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Memories & Masterpieces

I'm happy to now offer custom commissioned paintings in the form of a "Storyline". A Storyline painting is made up of memories, moments, hobbies and more all in a one of a kind "Masterpiece".  These paintings are perfect for a wedding, anniversary, or special gift for a loved one or a special couple!  They can even be for an individual.  I offer three standard size -24" x 24", 24"x 36", 36" x 48" with prices starting at $500.  The canvas that we will use is archival quality, 100% Cotton, stretched around a 3/4" Frame.  I also offer kids or smaller "Storyline" paintings that can incorporate a section of time in one's life like birth through school or middle school years, high school years etc.  These paintings are  12" x 12" or 11" x 14" and start at $250.00.  These are a great way to gift in sections! 

Mark & Jennifer's Storyline Painting 24" x 24"

Danielle & Mike's Storyline Painting 36" x 24"

Aayden's Storyline Painting 12" x 12"

How Does it Work? 

We'll have you fill out our form for either a couple's Storyline (24" x 24" - 36" x 36") painting or smaller kid's Storyline (12" x 12" or 11" x 14") painting.  The form is extensive and requests all the details of the persons' or couple's memories, hobbies etc.  This form will take some time to complete so be sure you have the time to spend on it.  Once submitted with your deposit, we'll begin with a sketch and overall idea for you!  The form will explain the remaining steps including deposit, revision and delivery details.  Each painting takes between 20 - 40 hours depending on the size, and detail of each "memory".  Every one is completely unique!  This painting is the perfect gift for a wedding, anniversary or special date in your life!  We look forward to creating more! 

Get on the wait list!  Click either link below to get started! 

Storyline Painting Form 
Kid's Storyline Painting Form


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